My mask is a dead set against self-portrait of my morals, my personality, and my appearance. I created an anti-ray mask essentially. Most of my artwork doesn’t have such a negative or dark element to it. I wanted to show that the opposite of me has two very depressing personas or faces. One face looks like my own but very gory and very textured. It has one eye cover up with gauze bandage, symbolizing the neglect to be open minded, and the other is glowing which is not allowing you to see directly into the eyes of the real person or the person behind the mask, symbolizing the inability of ignorance to see through or past their cynical judgments. The mouth is sown shut symbolizing how evil thought are often kept inside and shut away until one day when they are released in a self defeating fashion. The second face is shown peeling away from the first face with great emotional distress. The face is another personality that I am not. It symbolizes a sort of completely submissive running solely on emotion, pathetic being who I never want to become. The two faces are sort of Remorse and satisfaction of ignorance juxtaposed.
Turned out great! You did amazing on the paint & texture. Burlap sack too! Nice detail. I'm glad to see you could still wear it! Snazzy stuff, Ray. Snazzy stuff