Sunday, February 20, 2011


Planeany flat or level surface

Robert Morris - Untitled(pink felt)

Robert Morris - Untitled

Robert Morris - VETTI III

Lucio Fontana - Concetto Spaziale Attesa

Robert Morris - Untitled(Corner Piece)

Edgethe outside limit of an object

Megdalena Abakanowicz -  Black Environment

Robert Morris - Labyrinth

Louise Bourgeois - Untitled 

Natalia Pintado - City of Thousand 

Konstantin Grici - Cubist Sidetable

Freestanding/In the Round - Sculpture that is surrounded on all sides, except the base, by space.

Christopher Gowell - Exotica

Max Bill - Whole 1

Tom Otterness - Coqui

Tom Otterness - Millipede

Tom Otterness - Immigrant Family

Form - describes the overall shape or mass of the 3d sculpture or object

Dan Zaretzky - Bull

Steven Jensen - Compass 

Pablo Picasso - Head

Pablo Picasso - Guitar

Dennis Oppenheim - Martian Rock with Tunnel

Closed Form - a self contained or limited form; having resolved balance of tensions, a sense of calm completeness implying a totality within itself

Jane Cloutier - Paper Sculpture 

Christo - Wrapped Package 

Christo - Dolly

Megdalena Abakanowicz - Brown Abakans

Christo & Jeanne Claude -  wrapped monument to Leonardo da vinci piazza scala


Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Low Relief - is a sculpture in which the figures project only a little bit from the background.

Penny Brogden - Beavers

 Donna Dobberfuhl - Interactive Learning

Penny Brogden - Mermaid with Fish

Palette of Naram-Sin

Donatello - The Feast of Herod

High Relief - is a sculpture in which the figures project from the background at least half of their depth or more.
Chidi Okoye - Lolo mask

Chidi Okoye - Mama4

 Felix Peano - The Fight Over the Horn of Plenty

Bill Mack - Desiree

Bill Mack - Melody

Primary contours - are lines outlining the subject or piece.

Roxy Paine - Maelstromby

Ian Shipton - People Flower Sculptures

Ian Shipton - The Thoughtful Circle

Secondary Contours - are lines, which deviate from the outline, providing information about the volume and mass of the object.

Katarzyna Kobro

Michael Shaw

Volume - is the amount of 3 dimensional space, occupied by the object.

Rachel Whiteread - Embankment

Unknown - Massive Amount of Hula-Hoops

Dennis Oppenheim - Bus home

Estatua de Bronce de Atlas

Anish Kapoor - Bean sculpture

Activated Space - is space from which an individual interacts with on a daily basis.

Nancy Rubins - Big Edge

Robert Morris - Untitled

Robert Morris - Untitled(pink felt)

Megdalena Abakanowicz - Black Environment

Sparkflight - Coffee Man